I was aware that this tool is slow only because of domain lookup and we can tweak it to a bit faster, but what I was not aware is that if my organization required domain lookup then how can we reduce the time because at the time of troubleshooting if your traceroute takes 30 secs to respond then it is the most painful situation.
Thanks to my friend Paul Stewart(CCIE#26009) to help me to understand that how to tweak the same.
Please find the ways below through which you can reduce the time of traceroute:
1. In Windows System:
You can use "-d" attribute to make sure traceroute is not doing the domain lookup. Please find the below Screenshot.
2. In Cisco Router:
There are two ways through which you can achieve the same, either you stop the IP domain-lookup by using the command "no ip domain-lookup" or you use the keyword "numeric" at the end of the traceroute command.
Hope, it might helped you. I would like to say thank you to have patience to read my blog.
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